My Love Letter to HOPR

Dessert = the second slice. My last slice before moving to New York.

Dessert = the second slice. My last slice before moving to New York.

The King Henry, rare, seared = perfect medium rare ribeye. Martini’s for everyone!

The King Henry, rare, seared = perfect medium rare ribeye. Martini’s for everyone!

Dear House of Prime Rib,

In the ever changing scene that is San Francisco, you have stood the test of time. Unwavering. Untrendy. Not pretending to be anything other than yourself, a true old school San Franciscian establishment. Doors open to all – families, dates, celebrations, sorrows, tech bro’s, and broke college students wanting a fancy delicious meal in the city that’s still affordable.

One of my fondest memories of our dinners was over a decade ago, celebrating joint birthdays in college with some of my closest friends. Ordering lemon drop martinis by the bar while snacking on rice cracker pub mix, eagerly waiting to be seated. We had a great family meal together that night, over plenty of laughs accompanied by delicious food and cheerful service. Not a worry in the world, even though finals were just weeks away. I still order a lemon drop every time I visit. You give every guest the whole shaker with any martini. It’s become a personal tradition.

Cheers! 2008

Cheers! 2008

Lemon Drop <3 2008

Lemon Drop <3 2008

Anytime I’ve dined with you, your delicious sourdough bread is always present to greet the dinner, even when seated at the bar. The super crunchy exterior keeps the fluffy, soft, and slightly sour warm interior safe. I always slice the bread for friends and family into manageable pieces for everyone to eat. Not too big, not too small but just enough to keep everyone wanting more bread and butter. I often can not refuse a second slice of bread myself as our server takes our order.

The Spinning Salad – the opening act to the show. Always dazzled with a dinner show, the server spins your delicious beet salad gloriously around an ice bowl drizzling the beautiful creamy tangy house dressing in. In my youth, I wouldn’t finish the salad to save room for the entrée. I know better now and scoop up every delicious last piece. The cold contrast of texture with the crunchy lettuce against the soft beets with bits of chopped boiled eggs serves as a perfect first act.

The Prime Rib – the headliner. Your prime rib is simply the best. Have I had tastier steaks? Yes, but you are the best and no one can change my opinion. It’s sliced from a glorious silver bullet carving station that carts its way to every table. I’ve had your prime rib in all it’s styles – The H.O.P.R. Cut, The King Henry Cut, The English Cut and even off the secret menu, The King Henry, rare, seared = perfect medium rare ribeye. The prime rib is ALWAYS tender and moist and the wide selection of spicy horseradishes perfectly accompanies the meat. The only cut I’ve never had is The City Cut, the smallest cut, because I’m only in “treat yo’ self” mode here.

Now for the rest of the band. Creamed corn. Creamed spinach. I always get both. The mixture of the two is heaven in my mouth – chewing into salty chunks of bacon in spinach and poppy kernels of corn while they both bask in smooth heavy cream. Baked potato or mashed potato? Your silky mashed potato is delicious but I am a devout baked potato fan –  topped with butter, chives, & bacon and sometimes sour cream if I’m in the mood. I don’t ever need to ask for extra bacon because it is always loaded with a heaping pile of it. As the wise poet Fabulous said, “Cause the entree ain't as good without somethin' on the side you know?”

Once I’m finished with my prime rib, you generously offer me a second slice. “Now, can I get an encore? Do you want more?” Jay-Z. I have on many occasions taken this offer up, sometimes accompanied with more creamed spinach or corn. You give me a delicious piece of meat for dinner followed up with a smaller slice of it for dessert? How does any restaurant beat this?

I’ve taken all my family and friends here. This is a meal that all the people I love must experience to enjoy and understand my love of it. It’s not just the food but the service and atmosphere that I love. Your always professional staff and old school steakhouse dimly lit white table cloth vibe. You are and will forever be my favorite restaurant in San Francisco. Have I been to State Bird? Al’s Place? Mister Jiu’s? Yes, yes, and yes. You don’t have a Michelin star. I literally don’t care and I don’t think you do either. Are you perfect? No, but you serve simply delicious food in a warm welcoming restaurant that never disappoints. You’ve kept your head up high, blowing past food trends, never changing, and holding true to your soul. Don’t you ever change. I miss this about the old San Francisco and I miss you. I already booked a reservation when I’m back to visit next month. See you soon. <3.

Love Always,


Circa 2011

Circa 2011

FoodJayson Cheung